Product Category详细介绍
80CE 50 kits per
shelf pack
10 x 50 kits
per box
Nose, throat,
faces and wounds
Sterile single use sample collection pack containing:
Polypropylene screw-cap tube with internal conical shape
filled with 1ml of Liquid Amies Medium.
One regular size applicator swab with flocked nylon fiber tip.
481CE 50 kits per
shelf pack
10 x 50 kits
per box
Eye, ear, nasal
passages, throat,
urogenital tracts
Sterile single use sample collection pack containing:
Polypropylene screw-cap tube with internal conical shape
filled with 1ml of Liquid Amies Medium.
One minitip applicator swab with flocked nylon fiber tip.
482CE 50 kits per
shelf pack
10 x 50 kits
per box
and pediatric
sample collection
Sterile single use sample collection pack containing:
Polypropylene screw-cap tube with internal conical shape
filled with 1ml of Liquid Amies Medium.
One pernasal applicator swab with flocked nylon fiber tip.
483CE 50 kits per
shelf pack
10 x 50 kits
per box
Urogenital tract NO
Sterile single use sample collection pack containing:
Polypropylene screw-cap tube with internal conical shape
filled with 1ml of Liquid Amies Medium.
One urethral applicator swab with flocked nylon fiber tip.
484CE 50 kits per
shelf pack
10 x 50 kits
per box
Pediatric sample
Sterile single use sample collection pack containing:
Polypropylene screw-cap tube with internal conical shape
filled with 1ml of Liquid Amies Medium.
One pediatric applicator swab with flocked nylon fiber tip.
How to Use the ESwab
How the Cap Captures the Broken Swab Applicator
In the testing laboratory, the ESwab cap is unscrewed and removed, the swab applicator stick is securely attached to the cap. This feature allows
the operator to conveniently remove the swab and perform various microbiology analyses using the tube cap as a handle to hold and manipulate
the swab. Due to the flexibility of the shaft of 481CE, 482CE, 483CE and 484CE the capture cap feature is not applicable, as the broken applicator
may not firmly fit into the cap.
The swab applicator shaft is broken
off at the colored breakpoint
indication line into the ESwab
tube of transport medium.
Collection Swab Breakpoint
K65 01.09
molecular &
culture transport
molecular &
culture transport
Copan Flocked Swabs:
Worldwide Patent No.
WO 2004/086979
Note: Other ESwab product codes are available for the use with automated streaking systems for culture